What is storyboarding?
Storyboarding is creating a visual guide intended to thoroughly plan out the actions, composition, expressions, dialog, pacing, camera angles, and all other visual elements of a film. In animation, a storyboard is an imperative part of the production process, comparable to a blueprint for building a house. It is the visual plan that allows all the other pieces to be create and put together in harmony and create a final, unified, visually interesting and entertaining film.
"Bean Boys"
Storyboard for fun & practice
Other storyboarding experience:
Animatics created from existing books for Vooks titles
Storyboard credit on Polarific: Yeti or Not for Bent Image Lab
Storyboard & animatic for various Pop Tarts commercials for Bent Image Lab
Storyboard for multiple motion graphics projects for Motifmotion​​​​​​​
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